Recently, the SCEA (faculty union) and Vice President of Business and Financial Affairs Nicholas Alioto have challenged each others' budget interpretations. The history of this debate is covered in the most recent issue of the Sun, and we have also published the union's view.
At the March 10 Governing Board meeting, VP Alioto presented his side of the story, at points directly challenging union claims in an exhausting, um, we mean exhaustive PowerPoint presentation of almost 60 slides.

Mr. Alioto felt this was inadequate, however, and in a campus-wide email sent on March 12, he promised a written transcript:
The link below will take you to the PDF of the presentation made at the GB meeting this week. Of course, without having been there, you cannot truly gain a full understanding so we are also working on some type of written update as well.

Although the "written update" is thus far not available, you can be treated to the entire show, complete with voiceover. (Our apologies to the hearing impaired on VP Alioto's behalf. Apparently neither accessibility considerations nor federal law were an issue here).
SCEA responded to Alioto's report in the form of an Informational Alert, which will make perfect sense once you endure the PowerPoint and review our earlier post.